R.P. Evolution Banner Submissions

At any time, visitors to this site can submit Roleplay-themed artwork to be displayed in our Art Gallery, as well as potential banners for the top of the site.  The rules are as follows:


1. Any media is accepted, if traditional we prefer but do not require a clean scanned copy.

2. No excessive nudity or gore. We'd like to stay an all-ages friendly site.

3. Your name or username must be in the file name of the piece if emailed. 

4. For banner submissions, RP Evolution must be found somewhere on the banner.

5. For all art, please include a blurb describing the inspiration or media, or something about the characters and roleplay that are pictured in the piece.

6. Original artwork only. For art using bases please show you had permission to use them.


Send all submissions to lyrichase@gmail.com with the subject, "RP Evolution," or through the rpevolutionannouncements tumblr page.